Erectile Dysfunction is a real disability
Erectile dysfunction is classified as the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. Throughout many years, as was the case with PTSD pre-Vietnam, erectile dysfunction wasn’t a real problem that the VA had to address. Thankfully, the stigma has reduced over the years and now it has become one of the more common disabilities for service connection. Thus, it is important to get the ideal VA disability rating and here are 3 ways to tackle it.
SMC(k) – Special monthly compensation for the loss of use of a creative organ due to erectile dysfunction
Schedular rating criteria for erectile dysfunction
Extra-schedular rating for erectile dysfunction.
SMC(k) is the most common VA Disability rating for erectile dysfunction. It is when the organ is absent or the use of one or both testicles is lost. The loss of ability to gain and maintain an erection sufficient for intercourse usually meets this threshold.
Schedular ratings are used when a medical condition appears by name in the Schedule of Ratings in 38 C.F.R. Table 4. To get a 20% rating for erectile dysfunction, you must demonstrate that you have a loss of erectile power, and medical evidence showing that you have either an internal or external deformity of the penis.
If you have symptoms of erectile dysfunction that are above and beyond the above factors, then it’s possible to argue that you are entitled to a higher, extra-schedular rating, for your erectile dysfunction. This is difficult but possible to achieve. The veteran must usually procure medical evidence supporting an extra-schedular rating.