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Agent Orange Exposure Presumed for Veterans of Territorial Sea
Yesterday, 1/29/19, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit released a decision for the Procopio v. Wilkie case that extends Agent...
Condiciones de Trabajo Después de una Lesión Laboral
Se lastimo en el trabajo. Su lesión recibe tratamiento y usted recibe sus beneficios. Ahora es el momento de volver al trabajo. Muchas...
Working Conditions After a Work Injury
You are injured on the job. Your injury gets treated, and you receive your benefits. Now it is time to return to work. Often times your...
To The Veteran Who Says “But, I didn’t know!” ~ A Call To Action
Having interviewed dozens of Veterans who are in the claim process (or, should be) for their Service-Connected Disability, these remarks...
Asentamientos y Compensación a los Trabajadores
En un caso de Compensación para Trabajadores, hay dos resultados, su caso puede resultar en una Adjudicación o en un Compromiso y...
Settlements and Workers’ Compensation
In a Workers’ Compensation case, there are two outcomes, your case can result in either an Award or in a Compromise and Release. Award...
Veterans Can Hire DVA-Certified Attorneys WITHOUT Upfront Money
A common fallacy Veterans have when contemplating acquiring an attorney to appeal a DVA decision is that there will be an upfront or “out...
Enfermedades y Compensación Laboral
Sus condiciones de trabajo desempeñan un papel crucial en su salud y bienestar, especialmente porque pueden causar una enfermedad...
Occupational Disease and Workers’ Compensation
Your working conditions play a crucial role on your health and well being, especially because they can cause an occupational disease. An...
Veterans Survivors’ Benefits & You
None of us can escape mortality. This is certainly true of veterans. While nothing will never make up for this loss, there are certain...
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