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What happens when I contact Maurice L. Abarr-Lawyer, Inc. to assist me in appealing my VA decision?
Please know that contacting our office for a free case evaluation does not require you to hire us. The following steps will take place...
Should I hire an attorney to help me appeal my Veteran's Affairs Benefits Decision?
You may be wondering why you would hire and pay for an attorney when there are free Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) available to...
Encontrar el Abogado de Compensación de Trabajadores Adecuado
Usted se lesiono en el trabajo y está buscando un abogado de Compensación al Trabajador. Como ya tiene mucho en su plato, no deberÃa...
Finding the Right Workers’ Compensation Attorney
You are injured on the job and are seeking a Worker’s Compensation attorney. You already have a lot on your plate as is, you should not...
The Stigma Of PTSD
One of the realities of combat experience is that veterans can suffer from a range of stress reactions—including post-traumatic stress...
¿Tengo derecho a conservar mi trabajo después de una lesión laboral?
Te lastimaste en el trabajo. Usted llenó su reclamo de Compensación para Trabajadores y obtuvo sus beneficios. Ahora estás en la etapa...
Do I have the right to keep my job after a work injury?
You were injured at work. You filled your Workers’ Compensation claim and got your benefits. Now you are in the middle stage. Somewhere...
¿Cuándo necesito un abogado? Compensación de Trabajadores
En los casos de Compensación para Trabajadores, la necesidad de contratar a un abogado varÃa según su situación especÃfica. Asegúrese de...
When Do I Need an Attorney? Workers’ Compensation
In Workers' Compensation cases, the need to hire an attorney varies depending on your specific situation. Make sure you know that whether...
PTSD & You
PTSD—It’s a term that veterans hear quite often. As a psychological condition, it’s commonly associated with those who have experienced...
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